Board of Directors


The Chairperson of the Board of Directors is appointed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, while the Board Members are appointed by the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) under Section 6 of Act No. 5 of 1980. The Board of Directors under this Act is the highest decision body and responsible for over seeing research and administration matters of the Institute. The tenure of the Board members is three years.

Prof. Verdiana Grace Masanja – Board’s Chairperson

Prof. Dos Santos Aristariki Silayo – Deputy Chairperson

Dr. Hulda Gideon Mapunjo- Member

CPA. Beatrice Musa Lupi – Member

Dr. Zanifa Omary Limba – Member

Mr. Xavier Masalu Ndalahwa – Member

Mr. John John Nchimbi – Member

Mr. Daniel Charles Pancras – Member

Prof. Faustin Rweshabura Kamuzora – Member

Dr. Revocatus Petro Mushumbusi – Secretary

Dr. Revocatus Petro Mushumbusi is a Research Scientist with fifteen (15) years’ experience on forestry research particularly on Forest health. He has done a lot of researches on identifying sources of death of trees in different forest plantations. His current research interests includes identifying possible control methods of different insect pests affecting forest plantations and carrying out a comprehensive soil survey to determine status of soils in forest plantations for land suitability mapping. He has also experiences on forest utilization researches. He has published about 13 papers in local and international journals.

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