

SN Title Client Members Participating Institutes Start Date End Date Status
JULY 2021 TO JUNE 2022
1. To undertake detailed vegetation assessment study within Burigi – Chato National Park as part of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study for proposed construction of 220 kV Transmission Line from Benako to Kyaka in Kagera Region TANESCO Dr. Chelestino Balama, Mr. Numan S. Amanzi, Mr. James Lyamuya, Mr. Ally Juma Mkude and Mr. George Mwiga TAFORI April, 2022 July, 2022 Completed
2. Provision of Consultancy Service for Assessing the Beekeeping Value Chain and Community Readiness to Adopt the Village Savings and Lending Associations in Mara and Mwanza Regions Global Resource Alliance (GRA) Allen K. Richard, Amani J. Uisso and Angelus Tungaraza TAFORI and Rural and Urban Development Initiative Agency (RUDIA Tanzania) April, 2022 September, 2022 On-going
3. Provision of Consultancy Service to WWF – Assessing Women Engagement in Forest Products Value Chain in EAC and SADC regions WWF Tanzania Dr. Upendo Msalilwa, Dr. Chelestino Balama, Dr. Godfrey Soka, Ms. Philipina Shayo and Mr. Zacharia Mmary TAFORI April, 2022 July, 2022 Completed
Provision of Consultancy Service to WWF – Assessment of Non-Timber Forest Products Bio-Trade Potential in the Ruvuma Trans-boundary Programme WWF Tanzania Dr. Chelestino Balama, Dr. Pilly Kagosi, Dr. Cassian Mumbi, Dr. Numan Amanzi, Dr. Upendo Msalilwa, Mr. Renatus Masabo TAFORI September, 2021   Submitted, waiting for funding decision
Consultancy for a study to collate and synthesize successful Forest
Landscape Restoration (FRL) initiatives in the water towers landscape, Tanzania
WWF Tanzania Dr Elisha Elifuraha, Dr. Numan Amanzi, Dr. Amani J. Uisso and Ibrahim Hussein TAFORI September, 2021   On-going
Feasibility study for the establishment of Ziwani Forest Plantation in Mtwara District, Mtwara Region TFS Dr. Uisso Amani J and Mr. James Lyamuya TAFORI August, 2021   On-going
JULY 2020 TO JUNE 2021
Developing intensified charcoal production model in Village Land Forest Reserves for conservation and livelihoods Improvement in Handeni District, Tanga Region FORVAC Dr. Chelestino Peter Balama, Prof. Romanus C. Ishengoma, Dr. Greyson Zabron Nyamoga and Dr. Numan Amanzi TAFORI and SUA May, 2021   On-going
Consultancy to undertake studies on Strengthening Capacity among African Forestry Stakeholders for Implementing REDD+ in Anglophone and Lusophone Africa: Case study of Tanzania (Assessing REDD+ implementation in Tanzania) AFF/ICRAF Dr. Amani Uisso TAFORI April, 2021 March, 2022 Completed
Feasibility study for the establishment of Makere South Forest Plantation in Kasulu District, Kigoma Region TFS Dr. Nshubemuki Ladislaus, Dr. Uisso Amani J. Mr Isaya Mnagwone and Mr. James Lyamuya TAFORI and MNRT April, 2021 December, 2021 Completed
Developing Beekeeping Training Manual for Youth Groups SwissContact INGO Tanzania Mr. Allen Richard, Dr. Pilly J. Kagosi and Dr. Uisso Amani J TAFORI March, 2021 April, 2021 Completed
Supporting forest education in Tanzania – Development of enabling policy  and legal frameworks for FFPOs members to access finance and markets, increased landscape mitigation and  adaptation to climate change FAO Dr. Siima Bakengesa and Dr. Revocatus  Mushumbusi TAFORI February, 2021   On-going
12. Developing National Bamboo Strategy 2021 – 2030 TFS Dr. Felician Kilahama, Dr. Nancy Pima, Mr. Fortunate Senya and Dr. Paul Lymo MNRT, TAFORI, TFS and SUA January, 2021 March, 2021 Completed
Consultancy Service to undertake Stakeholders’ and Partners’  Assessment of Current Policy Advocacy Capacity, Power bases, Roles and Engagement on Biodiversity Policy Dialogues at National, Regional and Global Levels WWF Dr. Kajenje Magessa, Dr. Pilly Kagosi and Numan Amanzi TAFORI November, 2020   Completed
Consultancy to understanding and monitoring the socio-economic impact of the project model including impact on gender (Developing a system for monitoring socio-economic impact of community forest-based enterprises on sustainable charcoal and timber production model) TFCG Prof Josian Katani, Collaborator Dr Amani Uisso (TAFORI) and Mr Sanford Kway (PO-RALG) TAFORI, SUA and PO-RALG November, 2020 February, 2021 Completed
JULY 2019 TO JUNE 2020
Feasibility study for the establishment of Mwese Commercial Forest Plantation in Tanganyika District, Katavi Region TFS Mr. Mlowe Edward, Dr. Uisso Amani J. Dr. Nshubemuki Ladislaus, and Mr. Maguzu Joshua TAFORI and MNRT August, 2019 December, 2019 Completed
Feasibility study for the establishment of Mwanhala Fuelwood Forest Plantation in Nzega District, Tabora Region TFS Mr. Mlowe Edward, Dr. Uisso Amani J. Dr. Nshubemuki Ladislaus, and Mr. Maguzu Joshua TAFORI and MNRT August, 2019 December, 2019 Completed
17. Assessment of Impacts of the 400 kV Transmission Line double circuits Construction from Rufiji Hydropower Plant to Chalinze Substation on Forest and Game Reserves TANESCO Dr. Chelestino Balama, Dr. Numan Amanzi, Mr. Siwa Ernest, Mr. Ally Juma Mkude and Mr. George Mwiga TAFORI February, 2019 May, 2020 Completed
18. Impacts of the Proposed 400 Kv Iringa-Mbeya Transmission Line (Tl) on Chimala Scarp, Mbembe/Mlimanyoka and Ilembo/Usafwa Forest Reserves TANESCO Dr. Chelestino Balama, Dr. Numan S. Amanzi, Mr. Siwa Ernest, Mr. Ally Juma Mkude and Mr. George Mwiga TAFORI November, 2018 August, 2019 Completed
JULY 2015 TO JUNE 2016; JULY 2016 TO JUNE 2017; JULY 2017 TO JUNE 2018; AND JULY 2018 TO JUNE 2019
Feasibility study for the establishment of Commercial Forest Plantation at Biharamulo-Kahama Forest Reserve in Chato District, Geita Region TFS Mr. Mlowe Edward, Dr. Uisso Amani J. Dr. Nshubemuki Ladislaus, and Mr. Maguzu Joshua TAFORI and MNRT March, 2019 June, 2019 Completed
20. Assessing the effect of human activities and tree plantation establishment threatening sustainability of water sources supplying water to Rufuji Basin, Malinyi District, Morogoro


MNRT Mr. Edward Mlowe, Dr. Nancy Pima, Gerald Kauki MNRT and TAFORI January, 2018 May, 2018 Completed
21. Conservation of Terminalia sericea medicinal tree of Miombo woodland. CAST, German Dr. Nancy Pima and Ibrahim Hussein TAFORI July, 2016 June, 2017 Completed
22. Assessment of the Applied Ecological Organic Agriculture Technologies for Producing Sorghum, Groundnuts, Green Gram, Cashew Nuts, Fish, Tomatoes and Chinese Value Chains in Selected Sites in Tanzania Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) Dr. Siima Bakengesa and Mr. Amani J. Uisso TAFORI September, 2016 December, 2016 Completed
23. Assessment of the Available Ecological Organic Agriculture in Tanzania. Sustainable Ecological Agriculture (SAT), Morogoro, Tanzania Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) Dr. Siima Bakengesa and Mr. Amani J. Uisso TAFORI July, 2015 August, 2015 Completed