Dr. Chelestino P. Balama
Director of Forest Utilization Research
- Email: chelestino.balama@tafori.or.tz; balamapc@gmail.com
- Mob: Mobile: +255-784 404873 ; +255-736 202287
- Expertise:
- PhD Forestry: Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro, Tanzania (2016)
- MSc. Forestry: Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro, Tanzania (2009)
- Certificate in Forest Certification: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2008)
- B.Sc. Forestry: Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro, Tanzania (2003)
Dr. Chelestino Peter Balama is a Research Scientist with fourteen (14) years’ experience on forestry research
particularly on Timber and Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) science, climate change and development. His
current research interests include Sustainable utilisation of timber, wood based boards and NTFPs; and Valuation of
forest resources. He has also experience in forest certification and auditing. Has published about 17 papers in local
and international journals.
Journal papers
- Balama, C., Augustino, S. Eriksen, S., and. Makonda, F.B.S. (2017). The role of priority non-timber forest
products in enhancing local adaptive capacity to climate change stresses in Kilombero district, Tanzania.
Climate and Development, 9(3): 231-243,
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17565529.2016.1167662 - Msalilwa, U., Laswai, F., Balama, C., Mbwambo, L. and Soka, G. (2016). The role of on-farm trees as an
adaptation strategy to climate change effects around Mkingu Nature Forest Reserve in the Eastern Arc
Mountains, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation, 86(1): 35 – 52. - Balama, C., Augustino, S., Mwaiteleke, D., Lusambo, L.P. and Makonda, F.B.S. (2016). Economic
valuation of non-timber forest products under the changing climate in Kilombero District, Tanzania.
International Journal of Forestry Research. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijfr/2016/7893143.