Kibaha Lowland Afforestation Research Centre (KLARC) is among the seven TAFORI Research Centres. The Centre is located in Kibaha District, Kongowe ward in Coast Region within the Ruvu North plantation forest some 60km West of Dar es Salaam city, 3 km rightward from Kongowe sub town. It covers all Coast regions of Pwani, Dar es Salaam, Lindi, Mtwara and Part of Morogoro and Tanga Region. It is mandated to carry out research on tree species and provenances suitable for afforestation along the coastal lowland of Tanzania <100m a.s.l. The centres works under four departments namely Natural forest, Plantation forestry and Agroforestry, Tree improvement and nursery management, Socio-Economic and Extension.
The governing factor in research direction is on stakeholder’s demand mainly on:
- Sustainable conservation of natural forests
- Species suitable for different agroforestry technologies
- Appropriate management regimes
- Soil conservation
- Environmental conservation
- Income generation activities (Seedlings, fuel wood, poles, timber etc).
Research Activities
Research activities conducted include establishment and management of various experimental trial plots distributes all over the coastal regions. The Objectives of these trials are mainly for tree increment, provenance trials, agroforestry, spacing, weeding, screening, seed sources and seed orchards. Exotic and indigenous tree species are mainly tested to these trials. The centre is also involved with research on cloning and mass production of clonal plants.
Our Services
- Providing technical support to different stakeholders on forest management techniques including tree planting, nursery management, tree tending and management of woodlots
- Providing short term trainings of forestry related issues to students from secondary, colleges and Universities
- Providing short term trainings outside the centre to farmer’s groups and/or individuals interested in tree growing
- Dissemination of Research Findings
- Development and Dissemination of technologies
Our Products
- Quality clonal and indigenous tree seedlings
- Quality fruit tree seedlings
- Ornamental trees and Flowers.
- Publications done are available Online, International and Local Journals, Newsletters etc.