A: Awareness on HIV/AIDS campaign initiated
Key achievement
- HIV/AIDS prevention awareness was generally created to TAFORI staff
B: National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) and Action Plan enhanced and sustained
Key achievement
- Generally, TAFORI staff were sensitized on service code of ethics and National Anticorruption strategy.
C: Knowledge and technologies for the sustainable management of forest and bee resources generated
Key achievements
- Successful domestication of Albizia gummifera, Cordia africana, Entandrophragma excelsum, Newtonia buchananii and Prunus africana for conservation purposes in selected areas in the country;
- Participatory Forest Management Database for 16 Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states developed;
- Climate Change Adaptation Options and their implications on Mangrove Resources in Bagamoyo District assessed;
- Norms for indigenous systems used for forest management and beekeeping practices in Mzoghoti Village Forest Reserve in Usambara Mountain, identified;
- The pest Paranaleptes reticulate threatening survival and form of Eucalypt clones in community woodlots in Tanga Region identified;
- Impacts of woody invasive plants on rural livelihood, ecosystem services and biodiversity in Eastern Africa for mitigation in Tanga and Kilimanjaro regions assessed;
- Impacts of agroforestry technologies in management of Magamba Nature Reserve assessed;
- Trial plots for assessing survival rate and planting spacing on growth performance of various indigenous tree species (Milicia excelsa, Khaya anthotheca, Afzelia quanzensis, Albizia lebbeck, Tamarindus indica, Vachellia nilotica, V. polyacantha, V. tortilis, and Melia azedarach established in specific sites basing on climatic requirements;
- Trial plots for assessing survival rate and planting spacing on growth performance of various exotics (Cedrela odorata, Acacia mangium, Gmelina arborea, Pinus patula, P. maximinoi, oocarpa, P. caribaea and Eucalypt clones, Eucalyptus tereticornis, E. pellita) in specific sites basing on climatic requirements;
- Improved seed and clonal orchards for Tectona grandis and seed orchards for indigenous tree species ( excelsa, K. anthotheca, A. quanzensis) established at Mtibwa Forest Plantation;
- Water use by Eucalypts clones in the country studied;
- Effect of weeding and spacing on growth of bamboo – Dendrocalamus membranaceae CV grandis established;
- Ten priority medicinal tree species in Miombo ecological zone domesticated;
- Forest health in Pines and Grevillea robusta in six government plantations assessed;
- Resistance of Cupressus lusitanica to Aphid infestation in Lushoto assessed;
- Effect of fertilizer application on Eucalyptus saligna and Pinus patula in Lushoto evaluated;
- Seed orchards to supply high-quality Pinus patula, Grevillea robusta, Eucalyptus saligna and grandis tree seeds in Lushoto and Mufindi districts established;
- Screening trials for Eucalyptus clones hybrids against local landraces and gene conservation stand for lesser known fast growing timber tree species (Gmelina arborea and Melia azedarach) established at Igwata Malya Kwimba;
- Permanent sample plots for assessing forest resource conditions in Bukombe-Mbogwe Forest Reserve in Shinyanga Region established;
- Baseline information on Carbon storage potential of natural forest in the Eastern Arc Mountains obtained;
- Distribution and abundance of endangered plant species Saintpaulia and Streptocarpus in Eastern Arc Mountains studied for conservation purposes;
- Models for estimation of tree volume and biomass in different vegetation types including Miombo woodlands, Teak, Pinus patula, Baobab, Cashew, Coconut, Palm, Itigi thickets, Vachellia -Commiphora, lowland and tropical rainforest in Tanzania were developed;
- Suitable Institutional arrangement in forests and woodlands under Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) developed;
- Efficient charcoal production technology (Casamance Earth Mound Kiln) and use of improved cooking stoves for sustainable utilisation of forest resources developed;
- Physical and strength properties of juvenile Pinus patula (5 – 15 years old) suitable for woodfuel, veneer and pulp production determined;
- Optimal rotation age of Tectona grandis, Pinus patula, P. caribaea, P. tecunumanii and P. kesiya in plantation forests for timber production determined;
- Minimum age of Pinus patula suitable for pulp and paper production determined;
- Wood properties of nine-year-old Eucalypts clones for pulp and paper production, woodfuel and for structural use determined;
- Nutrient contents of dried leaves of Zanthoxylum chalybeum for food consumption determined;
- Nicotine content in honey from tobacco and non-tobacco growing areas determined;
- Distribution map of pollen and honey in Tanzania developed;
- Preference bee forage plants for African honeybees and stingless bees in Tanzania identified;
- Effects of Parasitic mites (Varroa species) on the diversity, abundance and productivity of African honeybee (Apis mellifera scutellata) colonies in Tanzania determined;
- Promotion of starter honeybee colonies production using breeding techniques (queen rearing) in the Beekeeping sector in Tanzania studied;
- Markets and marketing of bee products in Tanzania studied; and
- Value addition in bee products studied.
- Impact of auction system on forest revenue collection in Tanzania forest plantations
D: Human capacity to meet local and international obligations strengthened
The institute capacity in terms of human resource during the first SP was strengthened.
Key achievements
Table 1 shows number of staff during implementation of the first SP. There is increase in number of staff from 2012 to 2020, however still not adequate.
Table 1: TAFORI Staff strength as at 2020
Education level | Total number of staff | ||
2012 | 2018 | 2020 | |
PhD | 2 | 7 | 12 |
Masters | 20 | 29 | 25 |
Bachelor’s Degree | 21 | 21 | 21 |
Advanced Diploma | 3 | 4 | 3 |
Diploma | 14 | 26 | 33 |
Certificates | 19 | 13 | 12 |
Other | 51 | 26 | 13 |
Total | 135 | 124 | 119 |
E: Good and adequate infrastructure for forestry and beekeeping research to meet national and international research obligations provided;
Key achievements
The Institute continued to improve research infrastructure which involved rehabilitation of laboratories and offices, provision of furniture, field and laboratory facilities. Specifically, procurement of equipment and facilities for Laboratory at the Headquarters, equipment for measuring water uptakes by various trees, procurement of ICT equipment and software applications, establishment of clonal nurseries at Kwamwarukanga Station at Lushoto Silviculture Research Centre and Kibaha Lowland Afforestation Research Centre. Despite these improvements, there are still some infrastructure gaps at TAFORI Centres and Headquarters.
F: Documentation and dissemination of scientific information to stakeholders strengthened
Key achievements
- Capacity building to communities in Bagamoyo and Handeni Districts and Dodoma City on conservation of Terminalia sericea;
- Eighty-seven botanical specimens collected and identified during National Forestry Resources Monitoring and Assessment (NAFORMA) and Rufiji Hydropower Projects.
- Dialium angolense Welw. Ex Oliv recorded for the first time in Tanzania and Floral of Tropical East Africa Region;
- Fire occurrences and intensity in Tanzania Forests mapped;
- Lesser marketed timber tree species identified in 13 forest reserves in Mtwara, Lindi and Ruvuma regions, Tanzania for assigning relevant use classes in the Government Notice;
- Forest resource assessment in 19 village forest reserves in Babati Manyara;
- Benefit sharing on revenues generated from sustainable forest management in village land forest reserves in Lushoto District documented;
- Farmer wood energy woodlots demonstration plots 8 ha in total established in Morogoro, Mkuranga, Bagamoyo and Handeni districts;
- Participation in National Forest Resources Monitoring and Assessment of Tanzania Mainland (NAFORMA) undertaken;
- Baseline information on Carbon storage potential of natural forest in the Eastern Arc Mountains established;
- Factors affecting land allocation in semi-Improved and Traditional Irrigation Schemes (land ownership, market access, and government policies) identified;
- Rules for accessing Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Forest Nature Reserves for adaptation to climate change by forest adjacent communities formulated;
- Five appropriate agroforestry practices for hill farming communities around Uluguru Mountains developed and disseminated;
- Two guidelines for wood energy woodlots establishment and management techniques developed;
- Guideline for production of Eucalypts clones developed;
- 20 indigenous tree species from Miombo woodlands qualified to be included into the Fourteenth Schedule of the Forest Regulations 2004;
- Household annual charcoal consumption in Dar es Salaam, Arusha,
Morogoro and Mwanza regions determined;
- Publication and dissemination of research findings; and
- Coordinated various scientific workshops and conferences including the 1st TAFORI Scientific Conference on Forestry Research for Sustainable Industrial Economy in Tanzania.
G: Internal and external sources of funds for sustainability of research activities enhanced
Key achievements
During the implementation of first SP, the Institute secured research funds from different sources including Central Government mainly for staff salaries and other charges (OC).
Funds from internal source were from:
- The Tanzania Forest Fund (TaFF),
- Tanzania Forest Services Agency (TFS),
- Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH),
- Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF);
- Conference facilities; and
- Sales of logs (from concluded trial plots) and seedlings.
Funds from International organisations were from:
- Swiss Development Cooperation Agency;
- Swiss National Science Foundation;
- World Vision Tanzania;
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF);
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Finland;
- Belgium Technical Cooperation;
- Gatsby Charitable Foundation;
- Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH), UK; and
- Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT).
H: Linkages and partnerships strengthened
Key achievements
During the implementation of the first SP, the Institute increased linkages and partnership with local and international institutions/organisation including: –
- Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA);
- College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS);
- Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA);
- University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM);
- Forestry Development Trust (FDT);
- Private Forestry Programme (PFP);
- Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI);
- Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI);
- Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), UK;
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland;
- Swiss Development Cooperation Agency; and
- Swiss National Science Foundation.